Currently introduced in Danish
on it´s way in English
Et online forløb i 21 moduler for ledere med og uden formel titel, der ønsker at træne de 7 spilleregler i det 21. århundrede.
Forløbet kan tilpasses mænd, kvinder eller blandede hold.
Af Kirsten Stendevad, forfatter til Gyldendal Business bogen Fremtiden er Feminin – 7 Spilleregler i det 21. århundrede (2016), kendt fra bl.a. TV2 Business News, Børsen, Politiken, Alt for Damerne, Jyllandsposten og HR ledernes blad.
- Ambitiøse mennesker, der gerne vil være på forkant
- Mænd og kvinder, der ønsker at erstatte stress med overskud
- Medarbejdere, der ønsker bedre work life balance
- HR ledere, der ønsker at støtte deres teams maksimalt (forløbet kan rekvireres til hele grupper ad gangen, så man får en fælles oplevelse
- Dybere kendskab til den nye tids spilleregler og støtte i dagligdagen til at træne dem
- Reminders om cutting edge metoder til at bringe det bedste frem i dig selv og andre
- Træning i at omsætte de nye tids spilleregler til praksis
- Et netværk af ligesindede sparringspartnere.
Tid & Sted: Når det passer dig – forløbet finder sted online
Sprog: Dansk og engelsk, kan skræddersys efter behov
Intropris første hold mod feedback og udtalelser fra deltagerne:
14.999 ex moms per person – ved to eller flere deltagere opnås grupperabat (2-20 deltagere 9.999 ex moms/person, 20-50 5.999 ex moms/person, 50-100 2.999 ex moms/person)
Effekten dokumenteres ved hjælp af spørgeskemaer undervejs.
Forløbet centrerer sig om følgende syv spilleregler, beskrevet i Gyldendal Business bogen Fremtiden er Feminin – 7 spilleregler i det 21. århundredes lederskab (2016).
- Everything in the world consists of both yin and yang essences.
- Right now, the balance is tipping so far to the yang side, that we risk destroying the planet and our civilisation.
- So we need a stronger emphasis on Yin to bring about balance
- This is one of the many reasons why the 21st Century is “The Feminine Century”.
- We have spent much of our past trying to fight differences, not least the differences between the sexes, but also differences between cultures and faiths.
- In the 21st century we need ALL talents. Creativity sparks from diversity.
- In fact, it turns out that women (and other minorities) in leadership hold some of the main keys to success in the new era.
- Because what doesn´t work for women (and other “minorities”), doesn´t work for the whole. Women are just the canary in the coalmine pointing to the lack of oxygen that is destructive for all.
- Men need to embrace the(ir) feminine without losing their masculine muscles, and women need to embody the(ir) feminine without losing their masculine competencies.
- We need to stop pretending we are androgynous and start developing the collaborative society.
- The 20th century was the era of make-believe and pretense.
- The 21st century is the era of authenticity.
- Be honest, be straight, be unique even if it makes you different.
- Find your blue ocean and deliver a real contribution instead of blindly copying everyone else.
- As business guru Tom Peters says: “distinct… or extinct.”
- “The best man finishes last”.
- Well that might have been true in the 20th century (although the law of Karma was probably also at work then).
- But it doesn´t work in the era of transparency.
- More importantly, it doesn´t work for our planet.
- Mother Earth´s message is very clear: Change, or die.
- In the 20th Century, there were only a few leaders and many followers.
- The 21st Century is the era of “Leaders without a title”. At least not an official title.
- We are all called to play our part in the whole.
- Bestselling author Marianne Williamsson says it well: we are all cells in a big organism with a different assignment.
- What is your assignment?
- Who are you going to be to make a difference?
- What does you heart long for and what does your soul whisper?
- Act on it.
- We have been so preoccupied with using our free will to create whatever we wanted.
- It´s not a viable success strategy if it stands alone, because we can´t see the big picture when we only listen to our individual here-and-now needs.
- In the 21st Century, faced with bigger problems than ever, we need to change strategies in order to create different results. We are invited to listen to: what wants to happen?
- Most people and businesses still operate in an old fashioned Either-Or paradigm.
- Either career, or family. Either rich, or spiritual. Either business, or pleasure. Either do good or earn well.
- The 21st Century is the era of Oneness: the era of both-and. Not only because we have moved closer together in the era of globalisation and because quantum physics have made us realize that we are all connected.
- But also because we have realized it´s unhealthy, even impossible to live a compartmentalized life.
- The mantra for the new era is: go ahead, have it all, as long as it is in a way that works for All.
- This means we need to rethink everything.
- And use ALL of ourselves.
- It is no longer enough to let the ego and rational mind sit at the steering wheel.
- We need to use our heart, body, spirit and soul. And we need to connect with each other, and activate the collective intelligence to navigate powerfully and wisely in this time of unprecedented change and lifethreatening challenge.
- In short: we need to unfold our full Humanity.
- What Robert Kennedy urged us to more than half a century ago, has become the only recipe for survival:
“Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greek said so well:
to tame the savageness of man, and make gentle the life of this world.”
My upcoming book, The Future is Feminine describes these 7 pillars of success in depth and provides people and businesses with plenty of inspiring examples of cutting edge leaders and businesses who operate in alignment with the new rules of the game, and reap lots of personal and professional success.
You will find a myriad of new solutions to old problems. Among them, a solution on how companies and societies get more female leaders who actually contribute with some of the much needed feminine energy, that can lift any business to unprecedented heights.
Whether you are a leader with or without a title, a man, a woman or a truthseeking soul, you will be left informed, uplifted, inspired and ready to co-create a positive future.
The book is available in Danish, and on it´s way in English. If you would like to pre-order it in English, please fill out the form below.
Hovedunderviser, guide og facilitator er Kirsten Stendevad, forfatter til Gyldendal Business bogen Fremtiden er Feminin – 7 spilleregler i det 21. århundredes lederskab.
Kirsten er kendt som en visionær inspirator og katalysator for indre og ydre vækst.
Hun er forfatter til 6 trendsættende bøger, og har undervist på Harvard Business School, MIT, Simmons Graduate School of Management (MBA-udd. kun for kvinder) samt i virksomheder som Nordea, McKinsey & co, Novozymes m.fl
Hun har 15 års erfaring med at udvikle ledere med og uden titel.
En af Kirstens forcer er et uovertruffent netværk af danske og internationale kapaciteter, som hun trækker på som gæsteinspiratorer.
Se mere om Kirsten og hvordan andre har oplevet hendes virke her.
Se mere om bogen og hvad ledere m/k mener om den på
Spillereglerne har ændret sig, både for mennesker og virksomheder.
Vil du vide, hvordan?
Så tilmeld dig mit nyhedsbrev og bliv holdt up to speed.
– Første kapitel af Gyldendal Business bogen Fremtiden er Feminin
– Executive summary af de 7 spilleregler i det 21. århundredes lederskab
– Video med Carsten Stendevad, tidl. CEO ATP, om det lederskab, der er brug for nu
– Paneldebat med frontløbere og trendsættende ledelsesspecialister om fremtidens lederskab.