In the old book I called it responsible leadership.
In the new I will call it Reliable Leadership.
Because the result of Integrity = people can rely on you.
You build trust and followership because you feel like a safe choice.… READ MORE ->
In the old book I called it responsible leadership.
In the new I will call it Reliable Leadership.
Because the result of Integrity = people can rely on you.
You build trust and followership because you feel like a safe choice.… READ MORE ->
Sacred Mantras that work as Elevators to a Higher Vibration
Saced mantras are believed to have been “downloaded” throughout times by enlightened Masters.
They can serve the modern leader in many ways:
– they give the busy “monkey mind” something to “chew on” so that it gets into a more neutral, even positive, state of mind
– they can work as a “vibrational elevator”, raising our consciousness from a lower to a higher state
– they have different meanings, so you can use them for different purposes as a prayer
Here are some of the most popular mantras:
Om mani padme hum – Tibetan mantra to transform Darkness into Light
Gayatri Mantra: Mantra of Devotion
“Let us adore the supremacy of that divine sun,
the god-head who illuminates all,
who recreates all,
from whom all proceed,
to whom all must return,
whom we invoke to direct our understandings
aright in our progress toward his holy seat.”… READ MORE ->
Saced mantras are believed to have been “downloaded” throughout times by enlightened Masters.
They can serve the modern leader in many ways:
– they give the busy “monkey mind” something to “chew on” so that it gets into a more neutral, even positive, state of mind
– they can work as a “vibrational elevator”, raising our consciousness from a lower to a higher state
– they have different meanings, so you can use them for different purposes as a prayer
Here are some of the most popular mantras:
Om mani padme hum – Tibetan mantra to transform Darkness into Light
Gayatri Mantra: Mantra of Devotion
“Let us adore the supremacy of that divine sun,
the god-head who illuminates all,
who recreates all,
from whom all proceed,
to whom all must return,
whom we invoke to direct our understandings
aright in our progress toward his holy seat.”… READ MORE ->
Bevidstheds perspektiver på Corona
He er nogle af de persoektiver på Corona, som vi ikke hører i mainstream medierne, men som måske peger på vejen videre?
A Spiritual Perspective on the Coronavirus
MARK, Channeled by Jonette Crowley
March 6, 2020
Deal with Your Own Personal Fears
This situation is a test, a real exam.… READ MORE ->
He er nogle af de persoektiver på Corona, som vi ikke hører i mainstream medierne, men som måske peger på vejen videre?
A Spiritual Perspective on the Coronavirus
MARK, Channeled by Jonette Crowley
March 6, 2020
Deal with Your Own Personal Fears
This situation is a test, a real exam.… READ MORE ->
Hvis du vil opnå bedre resultater, gøre krise til kvantespring, eller forvandle dig fra almindelig til ekstraordinær, må du gøre noget andet end du plejer.
Lad os løfte dig og din virksomhed til næste niveau via disse aktuelle tilbud:
Nye Lederudviklingsprogrammer for progressive erhvervsfolk m/k: www.kirstenstendevad.dk/lederudvikling
Kurser for kvindelige privatpersoner, iværksætterinder og kvindelige ledere: www.akademiforfeminintlederskab.dk
Nye foredrag der rammer tidsånden www.kirstenstendvad.dk/foredrag
Skriv dig op til nyhedsbrevet her på siden for at blive holdt orienteret og modtage inspiration om fremtidens lederskab.
Ønsker du at vide mere om, hvad jeg kan gøre for dig, er du altid velkommen til at kontakte mig - enten ved at ringe +45 31 32 65 64. sende en mail til info@kirstenstendevad.dk eller udfylde nedenstående formular.
Illumina International
by Kirsten Stendevad
Sortedams Dosseringen 53D
DK-2100 København Ø
Phone: +45 31 32 65 64.
Email: info@kirstenstendevad.com
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